Hair loss in women

Hair loss in women is almost as usual as it is in men. Some studies say that women start suffering from hair loss since they are 35 years old, although most women start losing it until they are 50 years old. Hair loss in women cause a very bad psychological damage because the self-esteem gets really low and can cause even severe depression. Usually, baldness in women affects the whole head. The Ludwig scale helps women determine which baldness level she finds herself.

Some hair loss causes in women are:

Androgenic Alopecia

Inheritance is the biggest reason why women suffer from hair loss. The difference with men, is that in women’s Androgenic Alopecia, the whole head is affected. The Dihydrotestorestorone hormone or DHT reaches the blood of the capillary roots and weakens the follicles. When they become thin, the start to break and fall easily.

Other causes:

  • Menopause (most common)
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Hereditary predisposition
  • Scars: after a surgery or accident, the hairy follicle can be lost completely
  • Autoimmune defense after having severe stress, both psychologically or physically
  • Thyroid gland: both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can cause hair loss
  • Hormonal issues: from Thyroid, Pituitary adenoma, Ovaries, and Suprarenal glands
  • Nutritious: lack of fat, zinc, protein, biotin, iron, others
  • Unknown reasons


Women can be guided by Ludwig scale to see what level of baldness are: